Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18

Before Jacob dies, he blesses each of his sons. I wonder if all these 'prophesies' came true? Why did they always bless people back then and why don't we still do it now. Were the blessings a prophecy or was it just wishful thoughts towards the person being blessed?

Genesis 50:19-20
But Joseph replied, "Don't be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people."

How many of us want to seek revenge on the people that have hurt us in the past? We need to remember to let go of our bitterness towards those people and look at the big picture. Look at the positive side of all that happened or is happening. God always has a purpose bigger than we can see. So instead of focusing on who did you wrong, look at the ways God is working in your life and in the lives of others.

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